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Figure 1 | Neural Systems & Circuits

Figure 1

From: Identification and analysis of a glutamatergic local interneuron lineage in the adult Drosophila olfactory system

Figure 1

Gal4- OK371 labels a ventrolateral glutamatergic local interneuron cluster. (A) Gal4-OK371-driven GFP expression in the adult brain labels clusters of cells that innervate (A1) the antennal lobe (blue arrowheads) and the sub-oesophageal ganglia (magenta arrowheads). (A3) Different neuropil regions are innervated (fan-shaped body, cyan arrowhead) or absent in few neuropil regions; one such example is (A2) the γ lobe of the mushroom body (yellow arrowhead). (B1, D1) Gal4-OK371-driven GFP expression labels a cluster of cells located ventrolateral to the adult antennal lobe (demarcated by dotted lines). (B2, B3) These cells are positive for DVGLUT immunoreactivity (magenta). (C) Magnification of the boxed region in (B). (C2, C3) These cells are positive for DVGLUT expression (blue arrowheads). (D1-D3) This cluster of cells is GABA (magenta) negative (yellow arrowhead). Images are oriented as shown in (B3): D = dorsal; L = lateral. Scale bar = 10 μm.

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